Sunday, October 7, 2012

Country Report preview

The three areas I’ve decided to do are China, Saudi Arabia, and Laos. I chose these three countries because I’ve seen a lot of students attending St Cloud who are from these countries. These countries also interest me because of the large physical distance that causes cultural differences from what I’m used to.
                China should be an interesting place to learn and interview about because of the governmental differences and how that affects every day citizens. Also there is a religious barrier in that in the United States, my native country, there is mainly Christian influence which isn’t the case in China. Although the US is a very large country in size and in population, it is dwarfed by China which should lead into some questions.
                Saudi Arabia I didn’t know (and might be wrong about) had a large amount of exchange students here but in our class there are quite a few. This country brings up a whole lot of questions based on the US’s foreign policies. Also the large Islamic influence should make for a decent comparison between Christian and Muslim cultures.
                I chose Laos because I worked with a Hmong student who I’m pretty sure came from there in a math class last semester. I didn’t know they had a lot of students here until I attended a banquet where there must have been at least fifty students. This topic is more about the Hmong people than Laos so I will have to look into the Hmong. The Indochinese peninsula has seen it’s fair share of war over the past fifty years which I could ask about.
                I started at on the three sources to find some broad topics to cover. Not the best site for detailed or accurate information but a good place to start. For china I found which is a nice site covering their government. Also is a website about Chinese customs and religious information. is a site that will give information related to population and geography. Encyclopedia of China : the essential reference to China, its history and culture is a book in the SCSU library I can use to cover my topics.
                For Saudi Arabia was the best source of information about foreign policies of Saudi Arabia.  is a nice website covering religion and cultural values. A brief history of Saudi Arabia is a good reference book in the SCSU library.
                For Laos is a US government site covering generals of Laos. Laos Culture, Development, and Heritage Protection  is a book about Laos in  the library. is a very well put together website about Hmong culture and locations. A people's history of the Hmong is a book on the Hmong.

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