Monday, November 26, 2012

Interview Two Reviews and Score Card

Score Card

On my score card I had a three way tie at 18 points. I reviewed the papers and ordered them from what I felt was the best of the three to the worst.

Galkina, Elena V
This paper did a good job of covering all the points. There was not an attached audio file which would have given her the extra point boost.  What made this paper stand out was the formatting and pictures included in the paper. The transcription was very welly done also.

Chen, ZeYu
This paper covered all the topics also but was not as welly done as Elena's. I chose this one behind Elena's because it had some formatting issues that made the paper more difficult to read than it had to be. This paper did not receive the bonus point for including an audio file.

Carroll-Anderson, Nicholas S
This paper was not as welly written as the first two. The reason this paper made it to the 18 point mark was that there was an audio file included on the post. Since this paper included an audio file it meant it lost points elsewhere which caused the paper to not be as good as could have been overall.

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